Steam Boilers

Steam Boilers

PJSC «Krasny Kotelshchik» being the historically recognized leader in the area of boiler unit manufacture for electric power generation, gives special attention to reliability, efficiency and durability of the equipment manufactured. The company has all the necessary competencies in creation of power generating steam boilers, drum boilers and once-through boilers, with production from 50 to 3 950 tons of steam per hour, rated for an operating pressure of up to 28 МPа and more, for operation on all the types of energy fuel (anthracite, brown coals, bitumen coals and lean coals; coke gas, blast furnace gas and natural gas; oil, furnace oil, etc.). Steam boilers are designed by the company’s engineering divisions, which possess extensive experience and successful track record in development and research.
Throughout several recent decades, «Krasny Kotelshchik» has been the leading supplier of once-through boilers for power generating units of 1200, 800, 600, 300 МW rated for supercritical steam pressure for powerful thermal electric power plants in Russia and in the world. In terms of the key reliability and economy indicators, these boilers correspond to the modern level of international boiler manufacturing by foremost boiler producers, which is proven by many years of their service. PJSC «Krasny Kotelshchik» is one of the world’s leaders in total output of supercritical pressure boilers for power generating units of 1200, 800, 600 and 300 МW.