State organization

The products of PJSC “Krasny Kotelshchik” are in the confidence of a wide range of Russian and foreign customers including such a responsible area as nuclear power. Each project is implemented meeting the manufacturing procedure and the quality policy adopted at the company. The Quality Management System has been created and is developing with regard to the company strategy, current product range and perspective tasks. The Quality Management System of PJSC “Krasny Kotelshchik” is certified for compliance with ISO 9001.
Quality Policy
We are a customer-oriented organization
We are attentive and careful with the consumer interests, seek to anticipate their expectations, build the long-term partnership relations based on mutual trust and search for optimal solutions, promoting business success of our customer.
Our strategic objective in an increasingly competitive environment is enhancement of the consumers’ satisfaction by improving products and services quality.
The long-term experience of work in the field of power engineering industry, status of the national leader of industry and a strong player in the global market allows us ensuring satisfaction of all customers’ requirements, that is achieved by high quality of the produced products and services.
We are aware of our social responsibility
Creating energy we pay special attention to operational safety and reliability of our products, qualified servicing of current plants and delivered equipment.
Under development and manufacture of products of the power engineering industry we perform constant search and analysis of modern and long-range tendencies and achievements of the world community, using ecologically clean resource-saving technology.
We, as an organization which develops and delivers power engineering equipment and performs works and services for nuclear facilities, consider as a priority orientation to provide safety of products and productive activity.
Top management of the Company undertakes to follow the principles:
- To create necessary conditions for establishment of the highly-skilled, competent personnel, motivated for efficient labour and professional development, realization of his/her creativity and management potential, providing solution of current and the long-run objectives of the Company;
- To develop and apply flexible, rapid and effective processes, offering to the customers the things which they want, when they want, of better quality and at an acceptable price;
- To constantly improve quality management system by engaging the personnel in the process of improvements and creation of atmosphere of cooperation, vested interest in the final result of works, finishing and explanation of the Quality Policy;
- To develop mutually beneficial co-operation with reliable suppliers of raw material, materials and components, providing delivery of high-quality products in full conformity with the requirements of the Company.
Company Management plans and organizes activities in the sphere of quality aimed at implementation of the specified objectives, business development and profit enhancement, based on the requirements and recommendations of standards ISO 9000.
Quality Directorate
+7 (8634) 31-65-27
+7 (8634) 31-34-51
+7 (8634) 31-34-51