“Krasny Kotelshchik” Performed Research Works at Request of Kazanskaya TETs-1 (CHPP)
Specialists of the Taganrog Boiler-Making Works “Krasny Kotelshchik” (TKZ) confirmed the possibility to recover the high-grade exit gases by installation of water-to-water heat-exchangers for delivery water heating without changes in heating surfaces of the heat-recovery steam generators (HRSGs) in operation. Kazanskaya TETs-1 (a branch of JSC “Tatenergo”) addressed this request to one of the largest Don companies.
The oldest power plant of Tatarstan, Kazanskaya TETs-1, has been fruitfully cooperating with “Krasny Kotelshchik” for a long time. For example, as early as in the mid-1950s the TKZ steam boilers were commissioned here. Nowadays, the modern HRSGs produced by TKZ have been operated at the power plant since 2018. With regard to the actual operating conditions of the Units in which the HRSGs are installed, Kazanskaya TETs-1 decided to modernize this equipment for a more efficient utilization of the gas turbine plant exit gas heat.
The scope of obligations of “Krasny Kotelshchik” within the framework of the modernization project includes both the research works themselves which foresee the installation of the water-to-water heat exchangers into the condensate gas heater path, and development of engineering and design documentation including a specification for the heat-exchangers, valves and instrumentation. TKZ specialists also carried out a technical expertise of the bought-out equipment included in the scope of boiler unit modernization.
In 2025 on the HRSGs Unit No. 1 and 2 of Kazanskaya TETs-1 the technical solutions for installation of the water-to-water heat-exchangers suggested by “Krasny Kotelshchik” specialists will start to be implemented. This will positively influence both the exit gas heat recovery efficiency, as well as increase the technical-economical indices of the CCP units.