Mission. Vision. Values

To provide reliable, effective and comprehensive solutions in order to satisfy the demands of the global power system
by constantly refining our technologies and business processes.
by constantly refining our technologies and business processes.
Claim first place on the power-machine-building market of Russia and the CIS and become a key player on the world market.
The company owes its very existence to its clients. We, as an organisation and its individual employees, respect and value our clients – both external and internal.
We understand internal clients to mean our colleagues, employees and executive staff.
We understand external clients to mean not just the consumers of our finished products, but also the partners, suppliers and other stakeholders with whom we deal on a daily basis.
We rigorously study their requirements and swiftly react to their needs. We grow together with them, for them, faster than them, in order to exceed their expectations, anticipate and satisfy their future needs.
It is precisely for our clients that we build new production facilities, manufacture new products, improve our technologies and processes, and elevate our level of service.
Efficiency and speed – the ability and desire to «quickly and properly make the right things» from the first try.
It’s the ability to flexibly and swiftly react to changing situations by utilising available resources with maximum efficiency, making only the things that we make better than anyone else, striving to reach the right balance between short- and long-term results.
Everyone makes mistakes – but they should never repeat themselves. We aspire to learn not only from the successes and failures of our own organisation, teams and employees, but also, first and foremost, to take into consideration the experience of others. We openly share our successes and the lessons we’ve learned along the way with others.
We strive to achieve the best results, integrate innovations and constant improvements on the basis of the best practices, exceeding them and creating new ones in the process.
We must outpace our clients’ demands, offering them new solutions and products.
We must integrate innovations and refine our technologies and production processes.
- We are a team of like-minded professionals who share the same values.
- Each and every one of us makes our own, unique contribution to the formulation of corporate and team values, including the best means of their successful manifestation. Working in concert, we formulate and observe common norms, roles and rules of behaviour.
- Our actions are rooted in trust, collaboration, and personal responsibility for the adoption and execution of team decisions. We effectively resolve difficult situations for the betterment of our organisation, our teams and our employees.
- We utilise the potential and professionalism of all of our team members, giving them the opportunity to do what they do best, every day.
- We periodically assess our team performance and progress, participate in the formulation of improvement plans, and take responsibility for our actions in terms of efficiency improvements and team involvement.
Creating an attractive workplace and atmosphere depends on the joint efforts not only of the organisation as a whole, but also on those of our individual managers and employees.
Working together, we create proper working conditions and stable employment. We offer the opportunity and authority to tackle fascinating tasks of tremendous significance to both business and our employees themselves.
We appreciate, fairly value and compensate our employees for their work results. We consider and recognise the contribution, talents, distinctive qualities and opinions of each and every worker within the scope of the common goals of the entire team and organisation as a whole.
We create the necessary conditions and encourage professional development, the demonstration of initiative and personal responsibility, and career advancement within the company.
We discharge the obligations we have assumed, create and foster an atmosphere of mutual respect, tolerance and support.
We proceed from the conviction that no objective can ever justify the violation of applicable labour-safety requirements or carelessness with respect to human life and health.
We create and maintain safe labour conditions and care for the health of our employees.
We strive to prevent environmental pollution, to efficiently and rationally utilise the energy and natural resources that we consume.